Yesterday morning I was awarded a "Your Blog is Super" award, from Summer over at Coffee4mommy. Thank you!
And then in the afternoon Hollie over at skinnyhollie also awarded me The same award! Double Wow! Thank you!
You guys really like me :) *sniff* :) LOL
Both of you ladies are pretty awesome! On a day when i was feeling super crappy and kept thinking, OMG! I do not want to do this today... I thought of the award I was given and knew I had to get myself right for today's posting :)

The rules are:
Tape it up on your blog somewhere.
Pass it along to 5 fellow super bloggers, and comment on their blog to let them know how lucky they are today! When you present your Super Blogger awards, link back to the super blogger who gave it to you , Summer & Hollie... I can't thank you enough. :)
Tape it up on your blog somewhere.
Pass it along to 5 fellow super bloggers, and comment on their blog to let them know how lucky they are today! When you present your Super Blogger awards, link back to the super blogger who gave it to you , Summer & Hollie... I can't thank you enough. :)
This is the hard part... as you can see on my blogroll, I love a lot of blogs! And I read all them every day! On really busy days, I even stay up WAY too late just to catch up with them before I go to bed. :) LOL But I can only pick 5? holy cow! So... who to pick. I love so many of your blogs, which is why i follow, so who to award this to. :)
OK for various reasons I start following a blog. Usually, because something about them hits a cord with me; similarities in our lives, struggles we share or even just because I feel like I have to find out about tomorrow. Sometimes it's because I feel that some one can use a Cheerleader and I'm REALLY good at being a cheerleader. Some blogs it's because they inspire something in me... to be better, stronger and to stick with this. Some of the blogs I read; when i read them... they make me feel like I'm listening to a really old friend who I've been too lazy to call... which is SO my life. Anyhow... I love all my blogs or I wouldn't read them, but since I can only choose 5....
Now I have to choose... can you tell i was avoiding up there? hehehehe!!
1. IRJessica @ Gottagetstrong.
2. Karen @ Notjustcerlery
Now I'm going to give an honorary award to Hollie @ Skinnyhollie because when I read Summer awarded me this award in the morning yesterday... i felt too crappy to post... So i logged off and went and veged on the couch. While there, i was doing some thinking of WHO to award this to when i was feeling better... and Hollie was one of the blogs I wanted to award it too... low and behold someone else also awarded it to her yesterday and in turn, she awarded it to me. So... although she wasn't 1 of my 5 up there... I had planned on giving it to her... but since she already got it... I thought I'd only give her an honorary award so that someone else could have a chance.
There's so many this could have gone to... But alas, the rules only say 5. Buggers.
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