Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Could some one PLEASE kill me now

So yesterday was a semi good day. I got the munchies and ate a whole bag of popcorn during a movie hubby and I rented. Ended the day with 35 points. So yeah... 12 points over my allotted. I only worked out for 27 (hard) minutes when i was hoping for an hour because of another headache and laziness. BUT my arms are sore from the last 2 days and I feel good about yesterday besides the 12 points over my daily 23. It was Tues and I am sitting better than I have the last 3 weeks.

Today is suppose to be my 30 day challenge day off. I was planing on doing 20-30 minutes of my Wii Yoga and then take a 30 minute walk this evening. I figured I'd get caught up on work today... And I had been planning on getting my grocery shopping all done before 9am.

But the reality of today is a totally different story.

I have not worked out.

I have thrown up 2x and am totally off the points game.

I woke up with a violent migraine. 2 bites of wheat bread made me lose my cookies. I waited until i was less nauseous and took my imitrex. yeah... 20 minutes later threw that up! F**K it was my last one and i have no money to go buy more this week. After an hour I finally got off the couch, went to the store, bought Excedrin migraine (we were out) ginger ale and a baguette of french bread. It's all I've eaten all day. Hubby is working an odd day shift today and I'm mommy & daddy all alone today. Ummm... It's 4pm and I've finished the whole thing of french bread. I've barely gotten off the couch. I still feel sick. I still feel like crap. There is NO food in my house, I am now 2 days behind in work and no matter how i feel when kiddo gets up. I HAVE TO go buy groceries. The thought of going outside in the heat makes me even sicker. But what am I suppose to do. Kiddo doesn't even have anything to eat but cereal. Which would be fine if she hasn't been living on that for 2 days because I've been avoiding the store.

Oh what a tangled web we weave when we don't feel good. I should have done everything I was suppose to do yesterday. But because I barely slept Mon night... i took the day off in the realm of work and chores. And what do you know... I am now completely useless today. I guess that's what i get for being lazy for a reason as little as lack of sleep. when will i learn. Oh well...

I guess I can hope I puke again and then there will be no guilt because of the bread. And if I don't... I'm just going to do what I've been saying all week... tomorrow I will pretend today didn't happen. The scale did say I was 2lbs less this am. So I guess I can think of that as a positive for today. :)

Tomorrow WILL be stressful, but a better day or by god I'll have to scream, cry and throw a tantrum.

P.S. Did anyone catch Mark Paul Gosseler; um I mean Zach Morris on Jimmey Fallon on monday night. It was funny and cute. Totally made me remember some really good memories from when i was a kid and an avid saved by the bell watcher. :)



  1. Hang in there doll! Sorry you feel so yucky!

  2. ARGH!! You poor thing! What a rotten day! I hate headaches, and I hate puking! I guess the lower number on the scale, and the fact that you probably puked up those 12 extra points is a small bonus! :) I hope today you feel so much better and that you made it to the store and that your headache is gone.

  3. I hope you're feeling better!! We all have those days, don't beat yourself up! :)
