Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Lemon Tuesday

I did great all day yesterday until the hubby woke up and smashed my happy bubble to smithereens. Why is it he is capable (and seemingly willing) to make me feel like shit at the drop of a hat AND NEVER FEEL SORRY FOR IT!!

I know... I'm complaining. He's a great guy. Most of the time. Yesterday, not so great. He really turned my day into lemons. And because I was feeling like shipola. We went out to eat instead of coming home and cooking the chicken I was marinating. I stuffed myself so silly that later I couldn't go for my walk because movement made me want to throw up. I even blurrped just from getting up off the couch once. EEEWWW!!!

So yeah, yesterday was a day full of happiness with an evening full of lemons and emotional eating at dinner. Today... I WILL BE SURE TODAY IS A BETTER DAY!!!



  1. Awh, I really hope that today you are having a better day. I know what you mean, my husband can do the same thing... u can't live with them, can't live without them :)

  2. Sorry that happened Jules. I hope it is better.
