Thursday, October 1, 2009

Day 3 and trying not to give into to doing nothing.

Ugghh. Yesterday was one of those days where you work you're hardest to just stay on top and keep plugging along. Today isn't much better.

I did go walking for 30 minutes, but didn't do much else. I did get some "computer" work done that I've been putting it off. But I ended up being super tired yesterday. I did journal and by god did I eat alot!

Today... So far, I've been sitting here feeling like a mag truck has rested it's rig on my A$$ and isn't moving. UGH!!

Oh well, today just may end up being my day off this week. But at the same time I feel like If i don't just MOVE today... i may end up taking the next day off too. Does that make sense. Almost like if I take today off I'll be taking a step back. Especially since I didn't work out this weekend.

Oh the joy. hahahahaa!!

I did get some good news. I have 6 hours of vacation pay I'm aloud to cash in (didn't know I even GET vacation time until yesterday). So even though it's only 6hrs... It's something to get in a paycheck. It's hard to believe I'm so happy about a whopping $50, but hey! Right now... that $50 could be what keeps our utilities from being cut off or food in the house next week. :) YEAH!!! Also, my boss emailed me and she has a job for me that is roughly almost an hour and a 1/2 and 60 miles away from my house. That's about $100 the following week. So if this keeps up.... if I can fill in some blanks here and there with other money, we can survive on $30 for food a week and we will hold on tight to what sanity is left. To feel the stress slowly release it's grips is a good feeling. :) Now if only we could win the lottery or have LOTS of money drop from the sky... i'd even be willing to share. :)


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