Saturday, January 9, 2010

Another cave in

Yesterday was another day of crappy tiredness. Got nothing, i mean nothing done. Not 1 iota of a darn thing. And it felt good. hahahahhaa!! I really didn't want to clean those bathrooms anyways. I did make a To-do list for the weekend and into next week though. hahahaha!!

Sadly, I did cave in to some chocolate... my daughters Christmas stash. How sad. Oh well, she said she'd share with me, so i'm off that guilt hook. I don't feel guilty either for having caved. This 4 days is really about getting off the daily sweet overload and proving to myself I can do this. Once I get this 4 days over I can go back to only 1 tiny piece of dark chocolate after dinner... not a bite size candy or 2 after every meal. They add up. Then i'm going to work on portion sizes of my meals. Anyhow... Another post really.

Today... I feel GREAT! Lots of energy and although I have some tiredness happening. It's nothing like the last few days.

The best part, I've YET to have any sweets. YEAH ME!! So today is Day 1 of no sugar. I KNOW I can do this and I will. I haven't exercised yet today, but I taking myself off the hook for that today. I've been a very busy bee. I took down all the outdoor Christmas decorations and I've finally forced my hubby to help me deal with the furniture in our spare room (Soon to be babies room). We are taking a break (for food) from re-arranging our bedroom to fit a piece of furniture in there and then we have to tackle the rest of the furniture in the spare room to fit it into the rest of the house or get rid of it, whichever ends up best. He's doing the bulk of the hard work, but boy am I sweating!!

So, here's to a great weekend and getting through day 1 with no sweets!



  1. You can do it! Just think about the adrenaline rush you will feel after accomplishing your goal. You will feel so proud of yourself. Keep at it!

  2. Sugar is such a tough one! Good luck staying off it.
    BODA weight loss
