Friday, May 6, 2011

A leap of faith in me.

Yesterday was a GREAT day. Until the evening hit. :) lets start from the beginning of the day though. :)

I woke up feeling sore from my workout the day before. YEAH!!

I ate great all day! So well that by dinner I WAY more than enough calories to eat dinner and a snack. :) Gotta love that! We were having BLT's and for the first time EVER. I chose NOT to eat bread. OMG! Who am I? I made a BLT salad instead. I even made a dressing out of lite Mayo (what's a BLT without mayo) and a little bit of lemon juice. Wasn't too bad and I filled up REALLY quick with under 400 calories for a meal. YEAH!! But I admit I missed that yummy BLT sandwich taste. but I made a healthier choice and that's what's important. :)

As for exercise yesterday I hit my goal by the 2nd mini workout I did. Which turned out to be REALLY good because my evening workout got nixed by life. I ended up spending the evening at the ER with my son. Life happens, what can you do. I ended up hungry while waiting (we were there until midnight) to finish his visit, but did not cave to vending machine munchies. I knew that anything I chose would leave me feeling more hungry. So i ended up WAY under my calorie goal for the day. But what do you do right? at least I made good choices. And since I decided to push my 2nd mini workout to 20 minutes instead of 10. I did hit my 30 minutes/day goal. So I don't feel bad about not having gotten to work out.

I must admit though... having less than 6 hours of sleep today leaves me less than motivated to workout today. I just need to find the umph to push through.

Thank you for the suggestions yesterday about calorie counting. I ended up signing up for My username is jules77az feel free to look me up. I've decided to take the leap and do whatever myfitnesspal suggests calorie wise and exercise wise. I'll just HAVE to take a chance in me. I know I can do it. I just have to stick with it.

have a beautiful day today!

1 comment:

  1. In spite of the hospital visit, you had a good day. That takes courage and discipline. Congratulations on making all the right choices.
