Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I did it!

Did I tell you what my goals were for this week?
1. walk 5x this week. Push the 1st leg of my run to 1/2 way between the 2 light poles (yeah I know hard to visualize)
2. 30 crunches added to my daily routine
3. Stair stepper & band workouts at least 4x this week

In the past goal settling always left me falling flat on my face and not after my goal is reached either, but I'm proud to say that since hitting rock bottom and starting this new life; I'm doing it!

So far, I've done all 3 consistently this week. hehehehehe! It may be early but I like the odds. :)
This morning I went for my walk/run. I even stretched my 1st leg of the run a little further, although by the time I was done with both legs of the running part, I was VERY winded. I need to reach deep in my memory and look for the things about training and tips the coach taught me, Holy crapola, almost 17 years ago. Has it really been that long? OM I think I might need to do some research on tips for runners and training for running. I am not sure my brain will go that far back. :):):):):) Anyhow... today will be another busy day of the To-Do list as every day it adds to itself and grows. I think it's a living organism sometimes. It grows over night and although it's my handwriting... I don't remember writing any of it down.

If anyone has any suggestions/advice for running & training to be able to run, i'm TOTALLY open for them. :)


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