Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Sheepishly hiding

Ok... so... I'm just going to say it.

I'm sitting here being lazy and not even enjoying it, but i can't seem to get myself moving to get out the door to go for my walk/run; not even for a warm up can I muster the drive to get up from this computer.

I wish I could say it's because I'm just so darned engrossed. Yeah, NO. I know what the problem is, I did this last week too. Somehow 2 weeks in a row I've managed to stay up VERY late on Tues night and consequently just can't function. 2 cups of coffee already and I don't even feel like the fog of sleep is lifting. My bed is calling my name and sadly, I can't even go get into it. Missy will be up in 30 minutes, and I'm 1 cranky bi**h when I only nap for such a short time. So instead I'm sitting here wondering if anyone even cares but me if I sit here on my big rump and do nothing today. I know the answer, I'm the only one who does matter and it DOES matter. Knowing that doesn't seem to change my feelings right now.

Now, the truth of it is I don't have a day of nothing to do. I have to pay bills, go grocery shopping @ 3 stores, work, light housecleaning, and take care of little missy when she's awake. How is it I've managed to need vegi's by Wed 2 weeks in row, when I despise wed shopping due to the nice friendly older folks who are out doing their wed shopping due to the adds coming out today? OH RIGHT, I'm eating them. Shipola. Somehow, that makes me laugh. The absurdity in my own question. I think today's Sprouts trip will consist of LESS buying and only getting what i need to last til the weekend so that i can get back on a friday-monday shopping trip. ooowww... and the farmers market here in Surprise is suppose to be starting up again this month... which reminds me that i wanted to check out for Az agriculture info so that i can buy AZ instead of some other god forsaken place. Anyhow... Am I totally just a basket case today in this blog today? I feel like I'm all over the place like an adult with ADD... Oh wait! That's normal for me right? :) LOL

ANYHOW... Before I lose you, I WILL get missy up and leave for a walk with her. I'll take my same route and try to muster the gumption to run my running portion of my walk and if I don't run, at least I walked. She's been waking up asking to go for a walk since I started doing it alone anyhow...

Also... really my time this morning wasn't too waste full. Thanks to Carolina girl blog design I found an EASY place to jazz up my blog at the cutest blog on the block I think next I'll check my facebook and check out a playlist for my blog. What's my theme song? What music do you want to hear while you're reading my blog? hhhmmmmm... what do i want to hear while I'll checking in. hhhmmmm. I think my brain might be starting to lift out of the fog of sleep.



  1. Sounds like we were having the same kind of day! :) At least the same kind of morning. ;) My grocery day is tomorrow, and I too have multiple stores to go too. I am tired just thinking about it! I'm glad we've run across each other! I look forward to reading your blog!

  2. I'm a displaced Arizonan out in Texas. Everytime you mention AZ things, I get all home sick. Get something delicious at the farmers market for me!
