Thursday, March 26, 2009

Thusday's even more challenging day

Ok... I have a lot to say and no gumption to say it at this moment. I will tell you today has been yet again a hard day for me. I'm feeling exhausted and dragged out like I was punched to death.

Good news is I did go for my walk/run this morning and it actually felt good when i got home. hahahaha! More on that later.

I have a lot on my mind. Lots I want to share. But I'm going to wait and get things a little clearer in my head; I'm like a kid on too much sugar in my brain right now. I can't think straight. I have an errand to go run and I think I'm going to stop and get some coffee on my way home to cathartically (is that a word, who cares it's my word) soothe my way to functioning until bed time. I'll be back soon with A LOT to say.

OH and today has yet again turned out to be a beautifully blustery windy day and I just adore it (- all the dirt). If I had grass in my front or back yard, I'd go lay in it, close my eyes and listen to the wind blowing in the trees. I know that would put me back to straights. Oh well. off to run my errand.


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