Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Staying focused

I'm working hard today to stay focused and on top of things. I went grocery shopping and avoided buying any "wants"; even if they were healthy "wants". Because eating is not about "wants" it's about sustenance. Since I'm feeling so darn snacky I didn't buy anything that wasn't on my list. Ok... that's a lie. I did buy fresh pineapple and fat free cottage cheese. But those will be good for the kiddo too. When this snacky attitude goes away I'll go buy some of those wants.


This morning before leaving I made some homemade bread. I've been buying natures own double fiber bread for a while now... and it's just too darn expensive. So I'm going to start experimenting with homemade breads to get a good high fiber low calorie recipe pinned down. Hubby doesn't like the home made bread unless it's white french bread. I'm fine with it home made. It just takes some tweaking and some playing with it. So when i got home I tasted it... pretty good. A little heavy... but good. I need to up the fiber in it and work on the consistency still... But I'm happy with it.


Anyhow... This morning I walked 2 miles in 20 minutes (could have been faster... but I took a slow cool down). I did an additional 20 minutes of exercises here at home 20 minutes after getting home so that i could round it out to an hour.

I've been on points and have dinner planned out. Actually... i need to go get it ready so that it's ready to get cookin' when I get home tonight. Although i have a major headache right now... I'm feeling better and strong! Really that should read... STRONG!! Even if at the same time I feel like a weakling due to the headache...

Have a great night all.



  1. Sounds like you had a great day!

  2. 2 miles in 20 mins. I am impressed. Feeling strong is the best! Keep up the good work.

  3. OK... I'm an idiot. When i spell checked and re-read my post before publishing it... i didn't see that i wrote 2 miles in 20 minutes... i'm crazy... no it was 2 miles in 40 minutes. Dumb butt me... MUST BE DREAMING!! Thank you fatty McButter pants for being impressed... but yeah... no, I'm not superwoman :) hehehehehehe!! Even if I wish i was. :) hehehehe!! Sorry about that guys. :)

  4. I want to know how to make bread. I have always wanted to do that. I'm so jealous.

  5. Thanks for being my own personal cheerleader today! I really needed it! :)
