Sunday, April 5, 2009

Tough love...... and does it really count?

So since my last post I've been working hard. Hard to go back to my past 4 weeks of cleaner eating. going back to the screw what he wants attitude. I've been working hard to drink drink drink and eat eat eat. Ok... sounds funny but true. I've been trying to get rid of this extra baggage I gained this week. As much as I wanted to binge, i didn't. As much as I wanted to starve myself i didn't. I did however take away all my uneaten WW FP and AP points. No fall backs.
I drank as much water as I possibly could both Friday and Saturday. I also ate as many high fiber foods as I could. I've found Fiber One cereal to be a tasty treat and it's 0pts. I realized with all the added ingrediants and less vegi's than i got used to... I'm also not as regular as I'd gotten. So... I was hoping the added fiber would kick in before today's weigh in.

Friday ended strong. :) YEAH ME! My mental beat down to change my attitude worked. :)
Saturday i spent most of the day with my best friend of pretty much my whole life (over 20 years). We went yard sale shopping. i armed myself with heathly munchies for me and drinks for me. Told myself NO when it came time for her to need something to eat, eat what you brought. :) I did. :) For lunch we went to her house and she made me a salad. I said no to the 1/2 avocado she offered and only had 1/4 of it. I said no to fatty dressings and thanked the lord when she found an almost expired bottle of something fat free I've never liked and ate it anyways. :) I had less than an amount I would normally have because I didn't want to measure. So i was ultra conservative. I stayed within my "me" limits and she supported me. :) I came home and had a great dinner and lunch. I ended the day strong. Although i took the day off from exercise; i planned the week in accordance so it was all good :)

All in all I ended the week strong so that is a plus, no matter how it turned out day to day. I learned a lot this week about food and what works for me and what will not work for me. So I'm changing the menu for life. :) Hubby can get on board or leave the station. I know, i can be so harsh!

Weigh in today was not as daunting as I thought it would be. I tried my wedding ring on first... had to take it off at night the last few days because I've been so bloated it hurts by morning. It was NOT tight. So on i went... i only had a +.2 weight gain from last week. So the question that has to be asked is... does it really count? I know it does. But at least it was better than the 3lbs that were showing on the scale by Friday.

I'm going out with my mom today and will NOT eat out. I've also got to get some groceries this weekend before I run out.

I'm back in line and I feel like my alignment has me back on the straight and narrow. :) I'll run the curve correctly next time and maybe I'll just veer off the road and ignore all the signs. :)


1 comment:

  1. Ooooh, that's great. You are getting things moving in the right direction. Good on the water consumption, that's my favorite way to make sure the scale isn't giving me 'water' numbers. ; )
