Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Just a quick note to say HI!

Ok, so I'm still here. But I've been "taken down" by that lovely little thing called PMS. My body is so screwed up right now, I'd swear to god I was pregnant (which I'm not) or 13 again going thru the body changes about to have my first one ever. Holy crap I hate being a woman. I'm in pain, I'm still working on moving and eating right.

I'm so bloated that the scale on monday morning said that from sunday morning to monday morning I gained 6 pounds. Uh yeah... No. Even I know there is no way i gained 6lbs overnight. Especially since I'd been showing a 3 pound loss for 3 straight days in a row. i just wasn't that bad all week; yes, some enjoyment... But just not 6lbs worth. Damn it... 6lbs worth... i shoulda had the whole damn brownie cheescake instead of saying no. Anyhow... I even did very well at the buffet on sunday. I did have some salmon, 3 fried shrimp, and 6 season frys; yes I counted all of them. Otherwise all i had was fruit and salad with dressing only dipped into with the tongs of my fork and then shaken before adding the salad on each and every bite.

Side Note: I figured out while i was there WHY I have quit eating so much when we go and why i stick to the salad bar. i am APPALLED at the way people eat when they are there. I'm afraid too... I mean OMG! It makes me want to cry and I try to think was that me? i just don't know... and then I get afraid... i don't want that to be me. So... it kinda is a deterrent for me. Guess it helps to be in the moment and aware of your surroundings. So anyone who goes and loves them. Just take a good hard look around and I bet you'll feel the leash rein itself in and you'll be ok... no binging. :)

Anyhow... so i needless to say scrapped monday's weigh in and ignored it. The calender says I'm slated to start by this weekend... so I'll just take this week off from the scale thank you very much. I have been working VERY hard to get this bloating down, but shipola even the diuretic isn't helping. So i think I'm just screwed until i start. I did lose 1lb though in 1 day... so maybe it is working. i don't know, it's not helping enough though. oh well. on top of myself being in pain in my joints, my back, my um... boobs, being bloated to hog heaven, my poor child is sick; yes AGAIN!

How is it that a kid who spent 2 years of her life (she;s only 2 1/2 now) with only 3-4 colds (ear aches included) that WHOLE time and I always exposed her to non fever sickness to build her immune system. How is that she has been sick now off and on for 3 weeks. She got over 1 and another popped into it's place over night. She's running fevers, won't eat, won't drink. Took her to the Dr... just let it runs its course kinda cold. It's her throat though. I'm hoping the naturalpathic stuff I bought will do the trick and I'm hoping that what hubby and I are taking will keep it at bay for ourselves... otherwise our household is screwed. I miss my friends. boohooo. Kiddo needs to get better so mommy can have her some play dates and see her friends while she plays with their kids. yes, play dates are more for me than her. I love it! hahahaha!!

Anyhow... I'm eating great. Working on a muffin recipe that is healthy, low fat, next to no sugar and chock full of fruits and vegi's (last nights batch is only 1pt per muffin. Yum!!). As soon as I get it down to where I LOVE it... I'll be posting it. Next batch should tweak it just right :) But until the batch I made last night is all eaten.... I aint cookin' any more.

Anyhow... so there you go. I'm moving, I'm eating healthy and smart choices, even convinced hubby NO pizza the other night (even though I had the points). So Hopefully this PMS will quit kicking my arse and hopefully kiddo will get better FAST!!

BTW! Have any of you checked out If you haven't you HAVE TO. I mean HAVE TO!! I'm hooked. I've been posting notes on all the gas pumps while I'm working. I'm loving it and today at the pediatricians... i left 4 all over the building. It makes me feel very happy at the thought of the person about to read it. So go check it out and tell me what you think. Like it, love it... can do without it. Just share. :)



  1. First... I tried to send this email... but it came back like a boomerang

    Hey, awhile back you gave me an award. I never posted it, and I was sorry. I had a huge presentation due, and had to abandon sweet bloggyland, as we all have to do once in awhile. Anyways, I really meant to thank you.

    I grew up in Phoenix (left right after high school, though family is still there). Reading your blog always makes me feel so homesick. You remind me of a sweet girl friend from high school too. Anywho- have a great day.

  2. Second.

    I hope you feel better. Have you considered BC that reduces the number of periods you have per year?

  3. I hear your pain! I gained 2 pounds from yesterday morning (not 6! OUCH!) and it sucks. It's water, it will come off.

    I was on diuretics a few years ago and it took days for them to get the water weight off.

    Hang in there, it only lasts so long.
