Thursday, July 9, 2009

getting back to normal

I feel like I'm getting back to normal... and then i ask myself, what is normal?

I don't know that answer these last few days, because normal has been feeling wrong for a while now. BUT I am getting back on track, and being on track... that needs to be part of my normal. Despite the rest of my life... if I'm on track; eating healthy and exercising regularly... I need to remember THAT is normal, part of my new normal. Whatever that may be.

I worked hard yesterday at fighting the munchies and eating healthy. Some what healthy at least. I really need to get vegi's back into my diet. Desperatly back into it. I can thank my lucky stars for work as I wasn't home enough to munch. I did pack snacks, and didn't eat them. I just wasn't hungry. Probably the beautiful Az heat. Anyhow..

Yesterday I stayed within my points and I worked out for 30 minutes that I didn't want to do. But I did do it. Today, I will again set myself up for success when it comes to food and I will stay within points. I will exercise and get in at least my EA active in, even if I think it'll kill me.

Today i will just be glad I'm alive to still be trying and I'll focus. Focus is key. Lose focus and all hell breaks lose. All that on my plate and all i can think of is why hasn't this feeling of wanting to curl up cry today gone away? Boy do i have my work cut out for me today. :) LOL I'll do it. I know I will.



  1. You did 30 minutes even though you didn't want to? Do you know how many people want to ask you how you did that? So many people can't make it over that hump yet YOU DID! That is really very awesome. It is that exact action that will ensure success!

  2. Good job yesterday! Can I add your site to mine?

    - Lisa
