Monday, July 13, 2009

ok... i did it...

For too many stupid reasons (money mainly) I have been avoiding my yearly with the OB. Even though I LOVE my Dr, the staff, etc... I've just not been wanting to go. So today... I up and did it. Made the apt. YEAH! Thank goodness it's not until Sept. hehehehehe!!

Next up... to look for a new Dentist that also does pediatric dentistry and make an apt for ALL 3 of us to go. Been avoiding that one since my dad had his surgery and passed away last year.

Time to get on top of it!!!

What appointments are you avoiding?



  1. Good going, girl!

    Not avoiding anything. I've kind of taken the bull by the horns here. I have my pre-op appointment today and I called last week wanting to discuss anxiety further, so they gave me more time.

    Went to the dentist a couple weeks ago.

    To me, it sounds as if you are really taking charge of your health here! Good for you!!!

  2. I had been putting the off going to the dentist and just went two weeks ago. Otherwise I am up-to-date.

    It is so easy to put them off especially if you aren't experiencing any pain or symptoms but good for you making the appt! Even if you scheduled it for Sept! ;-)

  3. The same one you were, and my eye doctor, but that is definitely just money and time constraints. I need to get off my duff and do them both. Good for you for taking a step forward!

  4. Jo- Yeah I'm proud of the way you have taken control of your health (not just weight health either) and are getting things taken care of. :)

    Pam... I'm also avoiding the eye Dr... And that IS a money situation, i want to go to that one though. No insurance for the eyes, and that will cost us a few hundred $$$. last visit was $400. And they don't take payments either. :( As soon as I can save the money for that one... and saving money isn't very easy with our budget... I'll go... Next tax season for sure.

    katie- i would have gone sooner... My Dr's so good he is hard to get into. Nothing to help that. I remember when i first started going to him... I could get in the same week. Wow it's been a long time since then :)

  5. I put off the gyno too. Because she always comments on my weight "Oh you've lost a few" or "Oh you've gained a few." UGH. She's really nice but she's big into maintaining a healthy weight. And if I've gained then I always put it off. Silly, I know.
