Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Do you ever

Do you ever sit there going... I have something to say... i have something I need to get off my chest. Thoughts flowing through your head, you just need to sit down and get them out... and you just can't get yourself to type them?

Yeah, that's me right now.

Although I'm realzing the time and instead of getting it all out... i need to deal with the dinner I've done nothing about (forgot to defrost anything) and I refuse to get fast food this week.

So hopefully tomorrow.



  1. I'm here ready to read those thoughts of yours! :)

  2. Sorry... it's been a HORRIBLE day full of tears and sadness for me. DAMN hormones. As soon as I feel up to it... I'll post :) I promise.

  3. Hang in there, Jules. Take it one minute at a time, you know?
