Wednesday, October 28, 2009

It's been a long 2 weeks

So much has been going on around here. Forgive me if I'm all over the place again today. :)

I was sick for a week and a 1/2. I'm still congested and my OB said I can look forward to being congested the rest of the pregnancy. UGH! I was like this when I was pregnant with my first. I was hoping I was in the clear this time around since I hadn't had any problems yet. I'm just glad it's over and am praying that I don't get sick again. With my first, I was unnaturally healthy. Hubby needs to not bring anything else home. I don't think I can handle being sick and pregnant again. Yep. I'm a wimp and proud of it!!

Exercise this month has been Nil. from the 1st to the 26th... just 6 days total. This week I've worked out 2 days in a row now. Mon & tues both for 30 minutes total. 15-20 minutes of power walking in place (with some extras thrown in that I learned from Leslie Sansone) and 10-15minutes of exercises on the Ball. I do it while catching up on my DVR and so far so good. Even though i don't want to do it. I'm forcing myself. Today, i feel like crud. So I've yet to do it. BUT as soon as kiddo is done watching cartoons (and 1 more cup of coffee) i plan on getting to it. I can feel the bloating every morning. So I MUST get back to it. I'm afraid of the road of not doing it.

Food wise, I've been all over the board. Money has been REALLY tight these last few weeks. We're down to food and gas coming from the $100 a week my hubby makes at his 2nd job. Some how we've managed to get all the bills paid but 1; that one we can handle once I start getting paid again... just in time for the shut off notice :) LOL Thank god WIC has started supplying fruits and vegi's otherwise, we'd have non in the house. I'm trying to keep it healthy, but I'll be honest. Trying to keep snacking to a minimum with no "good" food in the house is hard. I've been struggling with making healthy meal choices too. Nothing sounds good so therefore I've been relying on snacking for nutrition. Not good. Add on that while I was sick cooking was the last thing I wanted to do... It's been a food fest. But I'm trying. I can't wait to get back to how I was eating before. We've even had no choice but to go back to red meat for protein choices, and not the 93/7 kind either. I hate it, hubby loves it. But just a few more weeks and we'll hopefully be back to normal. We'll see.

Pregnancy is going great. I'm 18 weeks along this week and this time around I can already tell this kid will be a mover and shaker. hehehe!! My first was so quiet I often had fears due to lack of movement. It won't be like that this time. My blood pressure has been good so far. For that I'm grateful! I just need to keep it in check. As of today, I've only gained 1.8lbs since 8/1/09. Not too shabby. Until I looked at what i last weight when i posted on here and today's weigh in... 4.3lbs up. That was in a month and a 1/2. Not too bad, but be still my heart... it's still hard to adjust my brain into a different mode of thinking. So far the Dr has had no concerns with weight gain. So I just focus on that. Nov 3rd we have our anatomy ultrasound, we'll find out what we're having. YEAH!! I can't wait. I just hope this kiddo co-operates because I'm not good with surprises. :) Got the H1N1 shot yesterday from my OB too. Now just need to wait for the other 2 to get it and we all still need the seasonal flu. I hate shots.

We did manage to scrape some money together for my daughter's 3rd BD. That's probably why we're hurting so bad this week, but it was worth it. We've been using our credit card more than we want this month too, it's suppose to be for emergencies. But sometimes, you just gotta do what you gotta do. Last week we transitioned her into a toddler bed (which the credit card bought). It's kinda weird knowing she's old enough to not need the crib any more. Thankfully, she transitioned beautifully. 2 days of no napping in 1 week. not too bad. As long as she stays in her room... i really don't care where she sleeps or how much she plays. Although, napping is far better than no napping. We have this week left for "training" before I start back to work. I hope we have a week full naps so that i can go back to work without her in the afternoons (hubby is home sleeping too) and feel safe and comfortable. Her BD was this last friday. I made her cake, decorated the house (stuff we already had) and we splurged on $5 Pizza from Little Cesar's. The party was suppose to be just for immediate family, BUT no surprise, the in-laws couldn't bother to come. So instead we had my mom, sis in law and a few friends. Hubby has yet to talk to his family. He's pretty mad at them still for not coming and for letting us know that non-important things were more important for their niece and grand daughter. I'm hoping i can use it to my advantage come Xmas. Long story, but this year I just really want to stay home and be together, not do the whole 2 family thing. :) Anyhow....Kiddo gave herself a really good BD present on her BD. She managed to split her chin open and get stitches because of it. Made it a stressful day, but we'll never forget it will we. :):):)

Lets see, we finally got our fridge fixed and almost resulted in going into legalities in order to get it fixed. Because of this mess, we've decided we will be looking into moving some time next winter (cause moving in Az summers is a form of torture). As much as we don't really want to, We just feel maybe it's time. Since the landlord has met his current GF, we've had a lot of trouble getting things taken care of around here. We both hate moving, we were hoping to stay here until we either A) bought a house or B) just plain outgrew it. Which is rapidly happening with this baby coming as it is. However, we are afraid of getting a worse landlord or even a landlord who forecloses on us, so it's going to be a hard thing to do. Add in coming up with money for deposits, etc... It's going to be a long road ahead if we do. Anyhow... At least our fridge is fixed. I'm very thankful, i can not begin to tell you how much. :)

Blogging and reading blogs has been at the bottom of the list. I am finally caught up on reading my blogroll although i didn't really comment on anything. Just wanted to catch up with old friends so that I can start fresh tomorrow. So You'll be hearing from me. i promise. :):):):)

Today, it's a blustery 65 here in Az. That's SO not normal for this time of year yet. so i'm loving it. Even wearing my flannel PJ's today and kiddo is wearing some of her new warm PJ's. If only we had a fireplace, I'd be in almost heaven (would need green landscape and snow for that). Maybe that's why I feel like crud. Maybe it's not crud it's that innate desire to cuddle up and be lazy. :)

I think that's MORE than enough for now. I hope you're all great and have a wonderful day.



  1. Wow, you have been through a lot! Congratulations on managing your pregnancy weight gain so successfully. That's a major feat and one that shows me that you really have made a mind adjustment! Good job.

    I'm glad that although money is tight you are able to get some healthier food into the house. Take care,

  2. Leslie Sansone is awesome. She does such great work. All of her workouts are amazing, especially her walking DVD's. Keep up the good work.
